September 20, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

Reduce Footprints: Review – Good Earth Beauty

3 min read

I love Eco-friendly beauty and body-care products! While I take it as my personal responsibility to research both products and companies, I will admit that completing “due diligence” takes a considerable amount of time and effort. So I was thrilled when I was introduced to Good Earth Beauty, a company which does all the “leg work” for us.

Karen Ostrach, the founder of Good Earth Beauty, became concerned about body care products when her daughter, at age 10, suffered an especially bad case of eczema. As Karen researched, she was shocked at the ingredients in most commercial items. That led her on a quest to find natural and organic products.

Good Earth Beauty brings together products which are safe. Most of the items are manufactured in the US by small, family-owned businesses. None of them are ever tested on animals … that’s an important qualification to the staff at Good Earth Beauty.

I did a bit of random checking on the brands carried at Good Earth Beauty and found responsible companies offering Eco-friendly items.

Good Earth Beauty invited me to try one of their exclusive products, Pure Coconut Moisturizing Shampoo.

It is packaged in #1 Plastic, which is a hard, recyclable plastic.

The ingredients are clearly listed on the label and include things like tea tree oil, aloe vera, and Chamomile. The label also indicates that this product was hand made, with love, in the USA.

From the website I learned that this shampoo is free of parabens, pesticides, petroleum, propylene glycol, phthalates, sulfates, and artificial colors.

My Thoughts

The shampoo has a lovely scent of coconut … truly one of the best I’ve ever experienced. I also find the color of the shampoo very pleasing … rather than being white, it’s a beautiful shade of pearl.

A small amount cleaned my hair well and left it feeling soft and manageable. I was especially impressed with my hair’s shine.

Would I recommend this product? Definitely!!

A Bonus

Good Earth Beauty sends a fee sample with every order. In fact, if there’s something a client would like to try, they’ll do their best to add it to the package.

I received a container of Strawberry Lip Scrub. This product contains sugar and organic oils. A small amount is gently rubbed on lips to exfoliate dry skin.

It was delightful and left my lips feeling very soft and slightly pink.

I will offer you a warning about this item … if you like strawberries with sugar, you’ll be sorely tempted to simply eat the contents of this jar. But don’t do it … you’ll be missing out on a lovely lip treatment.

Good Earth Beauty makes shopping easy. They’ve done all the research so that we can buy with confidence. But don’t take my word for it (or their’s) … check out the company and the brands they offer. Once you do, I think you’ll enjoy a relaxed, pleasant shopping experience!

I received products from Good Earth Beauty in order to write this review. I received no other compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone and reflect my honest opinion of the items reviewed.

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