September 20, 2024

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Reduce Footprints: Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) – April

3 min read

Welcome to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green community.

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For 2015, Meet & Greet will operate a bit differently than previous years. This year, I’ll be featuring blogs which I find via my Internet travels or blogs which you recommend via the link-up widget below. Please visit the Meet & Greet Page for all the details.

Let’s take a look at this month’s featured blog …

Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - April - Pollution Pollution

Please meet Mi Muba, owner and author of the fabulous blog, Pollution Pollution.

Mi Muba’s love and concern for the earth started at an early age. Originally from the Desert of Tharparkar, a remote area of Sindh, Pakistan, where water is, to this day, scarce, he was aware of his surroundings and noticed how people abused nature. He worried when trees were cut or when areas were unnecessarily excavated.

He now lives in Karachi, Pakistan, which has a population of over 23 million, making it one of the largest cities in the world by population. Over the years, as he realized that people didn’t have a basic understanding about pollution, his concerns for the earth continued. He also realized that if we wait until we are affected by pollution to act, we will be too late.

With over 20 years experience in environmental awareness and pollution control, he strives to encourage and teach readers how to reduce their impact on the planet through his blog, Pollution Pollution.

Pollution Pollution is well written, down to earth, and contains a wide variety of posts. I found a section entitled GREEN DEBATE to be especially fascinating. This series of posts seems to challenge common thinking, both of “greenies” and “non-greenies” alike. For example, the very first article that I noticed talks about fund raising for green causes and discusses the ethical question of sponsorship. Another article about carbon trading asks if this practice is simply a license to pollute.

Under the heading GREEN LIVING, readers will find articles designed to help us reduce our footprints on the earth. I found a great post about the benefits of saying “no” to consumerism and another about energy-efficient roofs. This section has green-living tips for families; articles on cosmetics, toothpaste, and baldness; tips on Eco-friendly praying; and even an article which suggests that green living can save a marriage.

Interested in green energy? There’s an entire section on the topic which covers everything from solar panels to a sad story about generating energy from solid waste.

Mi Muba takes great care penning articles, making them educational as well as entertaining. Terms such as “climate change” are fully explained in clear, understandable ways that make sense. He also has a unique ability to look at the indirect consequences of our actions. For example, in one post he links climate change to a rise in prostitution. In another he describes how using plastic bags encourages poverty.

Pollution Pollution is an interesting, informative blog. There’s something for everyone and I guarantee that readers will learn something new from Mi Muba. I strongly encourage you to visit Pollution Pollution … it’s a terrific blog!

Now it’s your turn! Please use the following widget to list your blog and/or recommend a blog.

For previous features, please click HERE.

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