September 20, 2024

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Q&A: Measures to Strengthen the Cocoa Sector

2 min read

All groups need to indicate in the new GMR template (Annex S13, tab 1. Farm information, column M) the National ID number of each group member which has this information available.

i. For the first certification audit, certificate holders in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana must indicate the National ID number for at least 40% of group members

ii. For the first surveillance audit, certificate holders in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana must indicate the National ID number for at least 60% of group members

iii. For the second surveillance audit, certificate holders in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana must indicate the National ID number for at least 100% of group members

Auditors will check the accuracy of the information in the GMR during the audit and raise a non-conformity if any discrepancy is found between what is indicated therein and what is cross-checked at producer level. The auditor will also raise a non-conformity if, during the audit, it is found that a group member is in possession of a national ID and that this was not indicated in the registry.

Type of national ID requested per country


  • Groups need to indicate the personal ID number of group members which is shown on the Ghana Card. Therefore the number indicated in the GMR shall be the 13 digit number underpersonal ID number’ as shown on the front side of the card.

Côte d’Ivoire

These are the options for groups:

  1. If the group member is in possession of the new national identity card (Carte Nationale d’Identité – CNI), the NNI (Numero National d’Identification) on the flip side of the card must be indicated.
  2. If the group member is not yet in possession of the new identity card (CNI), the “numéro d’immatriculation” which can be found either on the old National Identity card (Carte Nationale d’Identité) or on the voter’s card (Carte d’électeur), must be indicated.
  3. For non-Ivorian group members, the GMR needs to show the number indicated on their residency card (Carte consulaire for Burkina Faso and NINA for Mali).


Groups need to use the 11-digit National Identity Number (NIN) in the GMR for their group members. The NIN can be found on the National Identity Number slip issued to every citizen who has enrolled with the national identity management commission.


Any of the ancient, provisory or new national ID formats will be accepted in the GMR for group members.

Detailed information on the type of national ID requested (including images) can be found in the Instructions for Cocoa Groups in Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Nigeria on National Identification Requirements which can be consulted through the link on Instructions for Cocoa Groups in Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Nigeria on National Identification Requirements.

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