September 19, 2024

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How To Prepare You Medicine Cabinet For The Cold Season

3 min read
“It pays to be prepared”, as the saying goes. And this is true when it comes to preparing you medicine cabinet. If someone in your family gets sick, you surely don’t like the idea of going into the pharmacy in the middle of the night just to buy medicines right? So to avoid this, start prepping today for the coming winter and follow these useful tips on what type of medicines to stock and where you need to keep them: 1. Check first and see the medicines that you already have – Before you start buying medicines at the pharmacy, it

The Green Guide | Green Living Tips, Product Reviews, Buying Guides, Environmental Health News and Online Stores –

medicine-cabinet“It pays to be prepared”, as the saying goes. And this is true when it comes to preparing you medicine cabinet. If someone in your family gets sick, you surely don’t like the idea of going into the pharmacy in the middle of the night just to buy medicines right? So to avoid this, start prepping today for the coming winter and follow these useful tips on what type of medicines to stock and where you need to keep them:

1. Check first and see the medicines that you already have – Before you start buying medicines at the pharmacy, it would be best to check the content of your medicine cabinet and see what you have. Do this not only in your medicine cabinet but also to your drawers and some other places inside your house where you usually keep medicines. Keep what you need and throw away the expired medicines. It’s better this way so that you can organize your stuff properly. And be sure to keep your medicines in one place (your medicine cabinet) after sorting it out.

2. Be safe on the medicines you have – As mentioned, try to know the expiry dates of the medicines that you have and throw them away if it’s necessary. If you want to ensure of proper disposal of your unused prescription drugs, the DEA has this day of taking back prescription drugs which is done every 6 months nationwide. All you need to do is hand them over all your unused prescription medications and they will be more than happy to dispose it properly for you.

3. Make a list of the medicines you need to buy – Write down a list of all the medicines that your family usually take. You may include the usual suspects like the ones for cough, colds, fever, and flu and other medications for the eyes, ears, nose, and throat as well as other medicines for other illnesses. Aside from that, try to secure other things like a thermometer for measuring body temperature, vitamins, supplements, and a first aid kit (for possible injuries). It would also be helpful to have a bin for each of the family members labelled by their name. You can also use a ‘M-T-W-T-F’ organizers to sort all medicines per family so that they can easily take the medicines that they need on a daily basis.

4. Where to place your medicine cabinet – Medicine cabinets are usually found inside the confines of a bathroom, but it would be nice to have your cabinet stored at your kitchen. It’s better this way since the kitchen offers easy access to all of the family members plus it provides more storage room for stocking medicines. Aside from that, it’s not advisable to have your medicine cabinet inside the bathroom since this area is moist and humid most of the time. This condition is not really suitable for storing medicines.  Just make sure to place a small lock or keep it out of reach for small children to prevent any accidental ingestion.

(c) The Green Guide | Green Living Tips, Product Reviews, Buying Guides, Environmental Health News and Online Stores – Read entire story here.

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