September 20, 2024

Green for everyone!

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How to Celebrate the 2023 Harvest Moon

3 min read

The upcoming Harvest Moon on September 29, 2023 is the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, the largest full moon of the year. The Harvest Moon got its name from farmers who used the light of the early rising September moon in the Eastern skies to finish the chores of the season . We are all coming to the end of our summer season, where we keep a frenetic pace of work and play. As we move into the fall, it’s time to take stock of our achievements, celebrate with family and friends and reap the fruits of our labor. 
Here’s how to celebrate all you’ve achieved this year.

Make some preserves and bake pies!

Visit the farmer’s market and buy some local produce. You don’t need to be an expert to make a simple jam or apple sauce that will keep you eating healthy through the winter. Get all your jam recipes here! Putting away some of the summer harvest is intensely satisfying and so easy to do. Get a full beginner’s guide to preserving here. 

Let’s not forget the pies! Halloween Boo Berry and Sumac Pie recipe here.


If the sky will be clear where you are, make a cozy space outside where you can watch the moon rise. If you’re with your family, a blanket fort that the kids can enjoy is perfect. With your partner? Make it a romantic night out with a picnic and a bottle of something special. By yourself? Get all your favorite foods, some great tunes and watch that big old beautiful moon rise.

Sort out the unusable fruit

It’s time to weed out the bad apples – take stock. What is no longer working for you in your life? What lessons have you learned this summer? What do you need? What gives you joy? What do you need to let go of? While you’re out enjoying your garden picnic (or at the window in a comfy chair) decide what deadwood you are letting go of as the seasons change. A good pruning will help you flourish.

Clean out your garden beds, prune your fruit trees, and clear your kitchen cupboards off all things that are past their due date. Go through your closets and donate any unwanted goods, clothing and toys to charity shops.

Celebrate the bounty

Gather your nearest and dearest! Cook a feast to share, have a bonfire or meet in the park for coffee. Celebrate all the fun you had this summer and everything you accomplished. Make sure to eat lots of delicious, homemade food and dance by the light of the moon. These are the last warm evenings for a while.

Organize your cave

It’s natural to lament the coming of the cold, but you can also find ways to look forward to snuggling in for the winter. Get your knitting out, dig up the cozy blankets and wool sweaters. How about some new tea blends and slow cooker recipes? Make a list of fall books to read and movies to re-watch. Making your cave cozy will leave you comfortable and looking forward to the change.

Give thanks

Having an attitude of gratitude will leave you focusing on all that you’ve accomplished this summer, instead of dreading the ending of it. This is a wonderful time to get back to your morning meditation practice, taking daily walks and stretching!

Set new intentions

The full moon is prime time for letting go and beginning anew. Lay out under the stars and dream about what you’d like to manifest this winter. Summer isn’t the end of fun, it’s the start of something new. Learning to play a new instrument? Writing a book? Whatever it is, let your mind wonder to wild and wonderful places.

Of course, don’t forget to run out into the night, turn your face up to the moon and let out a long howl! Happy Harvesting!

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