September 19, 2024

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Food Myths and their Facts

6 min read
We all want to choose the best alternative when it comes to our health as well as the health of our family. That is why people are raving on the latest hub on healthy food – organic. When the hype on organic foods came out from various media sources sometime ago, consumers started running to online stores and groceries to search for organic food products. Consequently, the rave on organic clothing even followed. Because of this, we can’t stop ourselves from having second thoughts on foods and food choices that are dubbed to be unhealthy when cooked or prepared in a specific manner. However, some people are just too good in creating food myths that only arise from their own

The Green Guide | Green Living Tips, Product Reviews, Buying Guides, Environmental Health News and Online Stores –

food-mythsWe all want to choose the best alternative when it comes to our health as well as the health of our family. That is why people are raving on the latest hub on healthy food – organic. When the hype on organic foods came out from various media sources sometime ago, consumers started running to online stores and groceries to search for organic food products. Consequently, the rave on organic clothing even followed. Because of this, we can’t stop ourselves from having second thoughts on foods and food choices that are dubbed to be unhealthy when cooked or prepared in a specific manner. However, some people are just too good in creating food myths that only arise from their own perception sans any scientific basis. Let’s take a look at some of the most common food myths and the truth about each one of them.

Eating eggs can cause cardiovascular problems as they contain tons of cholesterol.

This is probably the most common food myths that most people in the world have heard about because eggs are a common food and almost all children love to eat eggs. First of all, eggs do increase cholesterol levels of the body, specifically good cholesterol, which is actually healthy for our cardiovascular system. Secondly, eggs contain a number of nutrients including protein and healthy fats, which help nourish one’s bones, growth, and metabolism as well as keep the mind in sane state because of the healthy fats. Because of these, children are encouraged to consume eggs as much as they can. Furthermore, studies also show that eggs contain choline, a nutrient significant for the brain’s health. Studies also reveal that it has nutrients that help maintain good eyesight. Although there have been health warnings on the bad effects of eating eggs in one’s health, there has not been a single scientific basis that proves eggs can cause woes to one’s heart. A good diet even includes eggs in the breakfast as it easily fuels the body with the needed energy to work without the bad fats.

Alcohol is good for you.

Yes, you are reading it right, but it doesn’t mean that you can go wasted everyday just so you can have right dose of your body’s alcohol needs to keep going. There is a fine, yet bold print in this statement. Drink moderately. Drinking alcohol is good, yes, but only when it’s done in a moderate manner. A moderate drink, as per Dietary Guidelines for Americans, is equal to one drink for women and two drinks for men every day. Do take note that it is measured on a daily basis, and not on just the weekend only. Alcohol contains compounds that elevate the levels of HDL or high density lipoprotein, which safeguards the cardiovascular system against heart diseases as well as prevent the formation of blood clotting in the heart’s arterial walls. It has also been known to increase one’s libido and even lowers the chances of acquiring dementia later in life. Indeed, the list is quite impressive, but you can only experience the significance of the benefits of drinking alcohol if you do it moderately.

Red wine is good for you.

It has been known that red wine is good for our health. Unfortunately, a lot of people are abusing it, reaping only more harm than good. Just like the use of alcohol, drinking wine should also be done moderately so as to reap its benefits. Basically, the benefits of drinking wine are quite the same with the benefits of drinking alcohol moderately. It helps prevent blood clots, boosts immune system, and helps increase red blood cells. Again, moderate drinking is needed to experience its goodness.

Coffee is bad for you.

Caffeine hampers your biological clock as it also elevates blood pressure. It can also cause anxiousness, which may lead to depression. While these are all true, these are considered short term results, which are also dependent as to how much coffee you consume on a daily basis. Studies reveal that moderate intake of coffee can actually produce good benefits to one’s health in the long run. It can potentially decrease a person’s chances of acquiring Type II diabetes and it can also delay and diminish a person’s chance of having Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease later in life. When consumed regularly in moderate amounts, coffee boosts one’s mood, brain activity, and focus. Finally, it is also loaded with antioxidants, which help flush free radicals out of the body. However, if coffee hampers your biological clock, green tea is a better alternative sans the caffeine.

Organic food choices are healthier and better.

This is the current rave, but, sad to say, medical practitioners and even food administrators have yet to fully conduct a study that supports this claim. Yes, organic food choices may be cleaner and more eco-friendly, but it doesn’t mean that they’re much loaded with nutrients than non-organic food choices. However, the way they’re produced is really enticing, but truth be told that organic products are costlier, too. Unless there is concrete basis that organic foods are healthier than non-organic, it’s better to save more than spend more on something that’s only hyped up by businessmen taking advantage of the latest food trends.

100{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} fruit juice is healthier than whole fruit.

100{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} fruit juice is undoubtedly healthier if you want to get diabetes in the long run. Experts always suggest having 60{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} fruits and 40{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} veggies in your juice to balance the sugar that the former turns into after juicing. In fact, people with diabetes should be very wary not to include significant amount of fruits in their juices. On the one hand, eating the whole fruit can still get you the right nutrients that fruits have plus the colon cleansing prowess of its fibers.
You should only dig for foods with all natural labels.

Because the craze on organic foods has arrived like a tsunami, people are now creating hype on all-natural labels. The only way that you can be 100{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} sure that the food or drinks your consuming is made up of all natural ingredients is to prepare it yourself. You can never say a pack of fruit juice contains no preservatives and additives just because its packaging says it’s made of all-natural ingredients because, certainly, companies couldn’t extend a product’s shelf life without the aid of preservatives. So if you want an all natural food, grow a veggie or fruit garden in your backyard and prepare your own juice and meals.

Meat is bad for your health.

A lot of diseases have been associated from eating meat. Meat can cause cardiovascular woes, bad skin condition, and etcetera. However, studies haven’t greatly proven all these. Nevertheless, it is a fact that processed meat is unhealthy to eat, and it is also a fact that unprocessed meat is the better choice. Meat is loaded with proteins needed by the body to go. While it is deemed as a culprit of cancer, experts suggest preparing it in slow cooking methods. Cooking it in high temperature or with the use of charcoal is heavier a reason than the meat itself. Consequently, moderate consumption of meat is still advised. Experts suggest eating only a matchbox size of meat each day.

(c) The Green Guide | Green Living Tips, Product Reviews, Buying Guides, Environmental Health News and Online Stores – Read entire story here.

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