September 20, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

A New Year Message: Embrace Grassroots and Remember Awards Submission Deadline is January 15th

3 min read

As we have immersed ourselves in holiday festivities with loved ones this month, it has been a time for reflection and gratitude as we wrap up this first year of new ownership at E+E Leader. This year, our E+E Leader team, spread across the United States, has chosen to mark the season in a unique and meaningful way. Eschewing the tradition of holiday cards and tokens, we instead decided to contribute to organizations that resonate deeply with our team members and align with our commitment to driving change.

Spotlight on Local Environmental Initiatives

We very much appreciate your readership and support throughout this last year and wanted to highlight publicly the important organizations we have chosen to support in our local communities this year:

Save Georgia’s Hemlocks: This initiative addresses the critical threat facing North Georgia’s hemlocks. The hemlock woolly adelgid, an invasive insect, is endangering these trees, which play a crucial role in supporting wildlife, maintaining water and air quality, and underpinning the local economy. The potential loss of these trees presents a significant ecological challenge.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Since 1966, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has been a vigilant defender of the Chesapeake Bay. Their work focuses on implementing science-based solutions to the pollution affecting this vital watershed. The foundation’s efforts extend across a six-state area, advocating for pollution reduction to preserve the bay’s diverse ecosystem.

Colorado Fourteeners Initiative: This organization is dedicated to protecting Colorado’s 54 peaks over 14,000 feet. The rare and fragile alpine tundra ecosystems found here are under threat due to high foot traffic from hikers. The Colorado Fourteeners Initiative collaborates with various agencies and volunteers to preserve these unique landscapes.

Our choice to support these causes embodies our belief in the power of localized efforts to instigate broader environmental change. We are passionate about preserving natural beauty and backing grassroots organizations that align with our vision for regional and community conservation.

Will you Join Us?

We invite you to join us in contributing to your local environmental organizations, and talk to us about it…what are some of the groups doing outstanding work where you live? Share them with us – we will be highlighting localized non-profits from around the globe weekly on our social media throughout 2024, using #EELeaderEcoHeroesWeekly. Supporting environmental organizations that make a difference locally can take many forms, from volunteering and donating to raising awareness. Every small effort each of us makes throughout 2024 collectively contributes to a significant impact.

Countdown to the Environment+Energy Leader Awards Submission Deadline – January 15th

Highlighting our dedication to environmental causes, we must also bring attention to the E+E Leader Awards program. This annual program serves as a stage to recognize and honor exceptional initiatives and achievements in sustainability, environmental stewardship and energy management. It offers a unique opportunity for companies and organizations to present their innovative and impactful products, or showcase significant projects, to a panel of independent, volunteer industry experts and executives, each a specialist in their respective field.

If your organization has a product or project that exemplifies excellence and merits award consideration, we warmly invite you to submit your entry by January 15, 2024. Additionally, if you know of an organization whose work deserves recognition, please feel free to share the Awards information with them. Our 20+ judges are eager to start looking at this year’s submissions soon, and we are looking forward to celebrating Earth Day 2024 with our global announcement of 2024 E+E Leader Award Winners.

As we welcome the New Year, let us also embrace a spirit of hope and dedication towards our planet – and our fellow humans. In these times of global uncertainty and conflict, we extend our heartfelt wishes for peace and swift resolutions to the world’s challenges. May this New Year bring not only joy but also a renewed commitment to a healthier, more sustainable world, and a hopeful step towards global harmony and understanding.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The E+E Leader Team

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