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Event information – Upcoming talks in Italy

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Event information – Upcoming talks in Italy

Posted on 12 November 2023 by BaerbelW

Here is a quick heads-up about a series of upcoming climate events in Italy where John Cook will be involved courtesy of CMCC, the Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici. Some of the events will be live-streamed so all are welcome to watch online – or even better, attend in person. Here are the details for the public events:

Wednesday, November 15 from 16:00 – 18:00 (CET)

Public event titled “Climate, news and fake news. Navigating the climate crisis between science and information.” in Rome hosted by WWF Italy which will be live-streamed in English and Italian. Details are available on the event page where you can also register for on-site or virtual participation.

Thursday, November 16 from 15:00 to 17:30 (CET)

John will be on a panel in Florence about climate misinformation at the CMCC Climate Communication Awards “Rebecca Ballestra” Ceremony. The event will be live-streamed in English and Italian and you can register on their website to join on premise or via Zoom.

Italy CMCC

Friday, November 17

John will be speaking at and take part in a break-out discussion about climate misinformation at the annual conference of the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF) in Florence at the European University Institute campus. You can find the event details here.

Saturday, November 18

John will be participating in a panel in Milan on Media, nature and the climate debate” with a number of editors of Italian newspapers and TV channels. We’ll post a link if/when one becomes available.

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