September 20, 2024

Green for everyone!

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Top 10 Avocado Breakfast Recipes

3 min read

Do you love avocados and looking for some amazing avocado recipes? While I have always loved avocados, I have never had them as a major part of our diet. Most of it was pricey, but I didn’t realize how healthy they were until I started focusing on making my family’s meals healthier. Since my husband was not a huge fan of avocados, I have been trying to find new, interesting recipes that are different from some of the foods he associates with avocados – like guacamole.

While he doesn’t particularly like this fruit, I personally love avocados. I am happy he is willing to experiment with some of the fun recipes I found online. One area where I have been heavily trying to add to my diet is breakfast. Due to years of skipping breakfast, I am not used to eating some of the more traditional options. For me, breakfast (when I remember to eat it) is usually a piece of fruit and a cup of coffee. With most things saying I should eat breakfast, I have been trying to find healthy, filling options. Thankfully, avocados fit the bill nicely!

To my surprise, people add avocados to just about everything! In a way, I am happy I have branched to eating more than, let’s say…Mexican restaurant guacamole? I am amazed at the variety of recipes, ranging from muffins, smoothies and even some traditional breakfast options. As someone who doesn’t care for breakfast cereal or more traditional breakfast foods, I am excited to have found many yummy avocado recipes!

One of the biggest issues I have found when, however, is finding reputable recipes that aren’t too simple. Don’t get me wrong, avocado toast is good, but it is a bit too…plain? I also found that many recipes are extremely wasteful, having you put one avocado on one or two pieces of bread. With avocados’ current cost, I want options that allow me to turn ingredients into multiple servings. I was surprised how many recipes out there turn one avocado into one serving, adding a bit of salt or tomatoes on top of the slices. To me, eating should always be an experience and something we enjoy; being one of the reasons I try making every calorie I eat count!

.I knew I couldn’t be the only one who wanted to make a nice, healthy breakfast in the morning, so I decided to research online. After a bit of searching, I found what I think are the top 10 avocado breakfast recipes I’ve seen. While some are more creative than others, they are quite tasty and something perfect for anyone wanting a healthy breakfast to get them through the day.

Do you eat avocados for breakfast? Please tell us what you think of the recipes below and your favorite avocado recipes!
Looking for other recipes to add to your weekly meal plan? Check out our full list of recipes here!

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list of various avocado breakfast recipes with pictures


Susan Bewley is a professional writer who has been writing content online & in print format for over 10 years. As well, she is an alumni of the University of Louisville with a Masters Degree in Special Education. When not working as an online business consultant or ghost writing, she can be found writing on Budget Earth, on her own novel, or working with various entities in the pet industry.

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