September 22, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

How to contribute to the energy transition –

4 min read

The energy transition is going strong, and the idea is to continue to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas. The ambition is to establish an energy system based on sustainable, neutral energy sources like the sun, wind, or water. There are currently not enough sustainable sources of energy to achieve this transition, but more and more people are becoming aware that every little helps. Increasing numbers of households have their own solar panels, drive electric vehicles, or even a heat pump. The energy transition aims to combat climate change or at least slow it down – since the use of fossil fuels leads to the emission of greenhouse gases like CO2, which are the cause of climate change. And now you may be wondering: how can I contribute to the energy transition? Well, any small change helps. For example, lower your thermostat by one degree as standard. Put on some warm clothing, and make sure your house is well-insulated.

Tips for improving sustainability at home

The term ‘energy transition’ tends to make many people’s toes curl. Because a sustainable home is an expensive, complicated matter – they think. Happily, cost and complexity do not have to be factors at all. It does not take huge investments. Only some small changes in behaviour can have a huge effect on your gas bill.

If you are up for it, and if investing in a durable household is manageable for you? Then there are some great solutions that can let you bring down your gas bill to zero over several years.

1. Turn it into a challenge

Cutting back on gas consumption around the house can be a daunting challenge – but a fun one! Turn it into a game for the whole family. Review last year’s use, and try to reduce it by a certain percentage. Or turn it into a contest, and let everyone place their bets. By what percentage do you think you can cut back on your gas use compared to last year?

The money you save compared to last year can be used to get your family something special – and sustainable. Consider an e-bike, a beautiful plant, or a camping trip.

Some easy tips to cut back on gas consumption:

  • Lower the heating by a number of degrees as standard
  • Put on more warmer clothes if you are feeling chilly
  • Fully turn down the heater on time in the evening
  • A short shower saves water compared to a full bath
  • Unplug devices you are not currently using
  • Switch off lights in unoccupied rooms

2. Collaborate with your neighbours

Talk to your neighbours about their plans for improving sustainability at home. Many people invest in equipment designed to improve sustainability, only to find out their neighbours were doing the same. What a waste! Two heads are better than one, so it might be better to sit down with your neighbours and pool your ideas before making a decision on what to buy. A great way to get to know each other better – and buying equipment for 3, 4 or 5 homes at the same time may net you a bulk discount.

3. Invest in solar panels

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of solar panels. Although there is a fair initial investment, solar panels will typically earn back the money you spend within 7 years. Or even more quickly than that, considering the current electrical prices. When buying solar panels, a quality inverter, for example by Growatt, is just as important.

Apart from the brand, it is even more important to find out which type of solar panels and inverters are suitable for your home and which produce the best results in your situation. So make sure you are well informed by ESTG, the distributor of sustainable energy products.

4. Switch to electric driving

Electrically powered cars are becoming an increasingly common sight. Driving electric is much more cost-efficient, particularly given the current cost of fossil fuels. And when combined with solar panels, things get very interesting. Charging you own electric car with your own solar panels – win-win!

5. Influence energy use through what you purchase

Did you know that you can influence energy use by what you buy? For example: fruit and vegetables bought from the supermarket are often imported from other countries. The transport of these products requires a great deal of energy. This makes fruit and vegetables grown locally a much more sustainable choice. The same applies for clothing, for example. Everything you buy needs a certain amount of energy – which means you can assess all of your purchases for their sustainability.

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