September 22, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

What Young Living membership option is right for you?

4 min read
Pin ItI’ve been using essential oils for some time now and I love them. As a result of my appreciation for these oils and desire to continue purchasing them, I recently signed up for big savings. I have been asked about oils, about Young Living and about buying & selling their products. If you are interested in oils, I hope that this article helps with the

The Eco-Friendly Family –

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Young Living OilsI’ve been using essential oils for some time now and I love them. As a result of my appreciation for these oils and desire to continue purchasing them, I recently signed up for big savings. I have been asked about oils, about Young Living and about buying & selling their products. If you are interested in oils, I hope that this article helps with the “which option” sign up part!

The first thing you will likely ask yourself about signing up with Young Living is “How much will it cost me?

The answer is that it depends on what you want from your membership, but you are never under obligation to buy anything. However, there are perks when you do and if you want the benefits, you must meet purchase requirements (not membership fees)!

Regardless of the method you use, the best way to purchase your oils is to sign up. You can’t get member only discounts and freebies any other way!

There are two main membership types:

Customer & Independent Distributor (though this one can really be broken into two).

  • Customer (buy at retail pricing – no requirements, no fees)
  • Independent Distributor as Customer (buy at wholesale pricing – no fees, but there is a $50/year purchase requirement)
  • Independent Distributor as Business (buy at wholesale pricing – no fees, but there is a purchase requirement – read more bellow)

Below, I will break down the basics and how-to of each type.


This type of membership is completely free to join.

  • No membership fees.
  • No yearly dues.
  • No obligation.
  • No selling.

This type of membership allows you to easily order the oils and products that you need at retail pricing, plus tax & shipping–sort of like purchasing from your own private store.

This membership does not get you wholesale pricing.

You can sign up here!

Independent Distributor as Customer ( Save 24{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} with Wholesale Pricing)

Young Living Starter KitsThis type of membership is signed up as “Independent Distributor” and requires the purchase of a starter kit, which you can choose for yourself. They are great kits that range in price from $40 to $150. You only have to purchase a start up kit once, at sign up – and they are useful.

Personally, I think that the Premium Starter Kit ($150) is a great value and idea, and not just because it’s at the top price tier. This kit comes with a diffuser (love mine!) and includes eleven different bottles of oil to get you started, a roll-on attachment, samples (to use or share!) and some materials to help you become familiar with oils and how to use them.

If a diffuser isn’t something you’re interested in, or you already know what things you’d like to order, the Basic Starter Kit ($40) is a great way to get in, and then you can begin ordering the products you want at wholesale, right away.

  • Save 24{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} off of retail pricing.
  • No membership fees.
  • No yearly dues.
  • No obligation.
  • No selling required.

If you wish to keep wholesale pricing, the only requirement is that you purchase about $50 worth of products per year (50 PV) – which is crazy easy to do.

If you do not purchase 50 PV (their point system) worth of products in a year, you can still buy oils, it will just be at retail pricing until you meet their requirement.

You can sign up here!

If you’re interested in deeper savings, you can also sign up with Essential Rewards to save up to 44{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} off of retail. You must be signed up as a distributor to be able to enroll. More info here.

Independent Distributor as Business ( Save 24{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} with Wholesale Pricing)

This type of membership is with the intent of making an income, and is similar to the information above, with a few changes.

If you love essential oils, chances are that you already share what you know with friends and family. By being a distributor, you can earn a commission when those people (and more!) buy oils from you, or sign up under you.

Just like being a wholesale customer, you are required to purchase a starter kit, which range in price from $40 to $150. You only have to purchase a start up kit once (same as above).

If you wish to earn a commission check, you must also be enrolled in the “Essential Rewards” program. To be eligible for payment, your monthly Essential Rewards order must be about $100/month (100 PV)—which is surprisingly easy to do.

In addition to making a commission, you also earn points that can be redeemed for products. These points are great for buying gifts or treating yourself to something special.

You can sign up here, and learn more about Essential Rewards here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or comment below.

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(c) The Eco-Friendly Family – Read entire story here.

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