September 19, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

5 Easy Ways to Go Greener This Summer

1 min read
Ah, summer. We wait all winter for the long days, sunny skies, and happy times. But we aren’t the only ones to benefit from this season, the Earth can as well! Although summer goes by faster than many of us would like, there are many ways we can make the most of our time left. Now is the best time to create more sustainable habits. Here are our top five to get started. Are there other ways that the summer inspires you to live more

The Green Life Online –

Ah, summer. We wait all winter for the long days, sunny skies, and happy times. But we aren’t the only ones to benefit from this season, the Earth can as well! Although summer goes by faster than many of us would like, there are many ways we can make the most of our time left. Now is the best time to create more sustainable habits. Here are our top five to get started.

Spend more time outdoors. Meet up with a friend for a walk in a park instead of going shopping. You can coordinate a day hike, or even make a weekend out of it! Without distractions like cell phones and laptops, it is much easier to get to know one another. Staff photo
Take advantage of local farmers markets. Not only is the produce fresh and delicious, but there is also no or minimal packaging. Many farmers markets will also gratefully take back cartons for berries and other fruit. You can even bring your own produce bag to dump those strawberries into and let the retailer keep the box at purchase. Photo by NatalieMaynor via Flickr
Use alternative transportation. While the weather is still beautiful, experiment with biking and walking to work. Discover new restaurants in the area that are in walking or biking distance. Photo by sandcastlematt via Flickr
Start a compost bin. Your garden will thank you! You can both reduce your trash and help maintain your plants with fresh soil. If you're not quite ready to take the plunge, ask the local farm stand if they'll compost those carrot and celery tops for you on your next produce haul. Photo by mjmonty via Flickr
Go "au naturel." Forgo the hairdryer in the hot temps, and embrace your hair's natural texture. But electricity isn't the only thing you'll be saving - you also save precious minutes from your morning routine and protect your hair from damaging heat. Photo by cvacher via Flickr

Are there other ways that the summer inspires you to live more sustainably? Let us know!

(c) The Green Life Online – Read entire story here.

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