September 20, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) What is it all about?

2 min read
If you have been hearing more and more about GMO’s it is probably because it is a hot issue. Coming up on November 5, 2013 – Initiative 522, to the Washington State Legislature, known as the “concerns labeling of genetically-engineered foods” will be up for a vote. It is important because it could pave for the

Modern Eco Life –

If you have been hearing more and more about GMO’s it is probably because it is a hot issue. Coming up on November 5, 2013 – Initiative 522, to the Washington State Legislature, known as the “concerns labeling of genetically-engineered foods” will be up for a vote. It is important because it could pave for the way for how manufactures must lists genetically modified (GM) ingredients in food.

Since there is not a complete list of products that contain GMO’s it is hard to know if the food we are eating is GM. Currently, the only way to be sure that food is free from GMO’s is to buy organic, but cost and availability can often impact this choice for many families.

80{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of all processed foods contains GMO’s

If going completely organic is not an option, then learning about what foods are considered high-risk can help assist you in determining what foods should be purchase organically grown.

“High-Risk Crops (in commercial production; ingredients derived from these must be tested every time prior to use in Non-GMO Project Verified products (as of December 2011):

  • Alfalfa (first planting 2011)
  • Canola (approx. 90{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of U.S. crop)
  • Corn (approx. 88{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Cotton (approx. 90{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Papaya (most of Hawaiian crop; approximately 988 acres)
  • Soy (approx. 94{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Sugar Beets (approx. 95{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of U.S. crop in 2010)
  • Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash (approx. 25,000 acres)

ALSO high-risk are animal products (milk, meat, eggs, honey, etc.) because of contamination in the animal feed.” – Non-GMO Project

According to the Grocer’s Manufactures Association, 80{533314f2540bdd33bbc04377fd32ff805adcd56cc20929d47e9b088aa1bb02ce} of all processed foods contains GMO’s. To give you an idea of GM foods it includes: baby food (biscuits, formulas), baking mixes (pancake, cornbread, cakes, pie crusts, cookie), bread (english muffins, buns), cereal & granola bars, breakfast cereals, chocolate & candy, drink mixes, dessert toppings, condiments, oils, dressings, salsa, cookies & crackers, energy bars, spices, grains, pasta, heat and serve meals, sauces, frozen pizza, microwave popcorn, chips, soda, soup & stews and vitamins. And this is not a comprehensive list, just items that contain some of the ingredients listed above.

Your best defense is to educate yourself. Unless the products are labeled NON-GMO or Organic, then GMO ingredients could very likely be present.

Yes on 522 Labels

(c) Modern Eco Life – Read entire story here.

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