September 19, 2024

Green for everyone!

Green living tips, news, products and reviews.

Local, Organic Produce at Your Door!

3 min read
Pin ItThere comes a point in life for most of us where we’re grown up enough to realize that we like vegetables and for the most part will eat and can enjoy any of them. The problem, we rarely go out of our comfort zones. We get in a sort of veggie eating rut. We head down the produce isle at the store with a list in hand and generally buy the same things week after week. The reason? We know exactly what we’re going to cook with them, which recipes call for them and it’s easy. Then I met the lovely folks at Green Bean Delivery, they deliver organic produce direct to your door , and guess

The Eco-Friendly Family –

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GreenBeanThere comes a point in life for most of us where we’re grown up enough to realize that we like vegetables and for the most part will eat and can enjoy any of them. The problem, we rarely go out of our comfort zones. We get in a sort of veggie eating rut. We head down the produce isle at the store with a list in hand and generally buy the same things week after week.

The reason? We know exactly what we’re going to cook with them, which recipes call for them and it’s easy.

Then I met the lovely folks at Green Bean Delivery, they deliver organic produce direct to your door , and guess what? It’s easy too, in fact it’s actually easier than going to the store.

At first you may get your delivery and think-”man, what am I going to do with all these vegetables I don’t normally buy?” Then you realize you’re kind of excited to be forced to step out of that monotonous meal planning rut you were in.

Since my Green Bean deliveries have started I have really been experimenting with fun new recipes and they’ve all been delicious. The best part, I may not have ever tried them if I hadn’t received the variety of produce found in my Green Bean bin.

VeggiesTwo of my favorite new recipes using my Green Bean produce I have already shared on my blog. Easy Pan Roasted Veggies makes the perfect side to any dish. Think about it like veggie kabobs but without the sticks! Simply slice up all those miscellaneous veggies you aren’t quite sure what to do with, toss them with olive oil and seasoning and then bake! Easy-peasy, you’ll definitely end up making this dish a staple in your household.

MushroomTwice Baked Portobello Mushrooms became another filling favorite. Sliced and diced kale, tomatoes, spinach, feta and other yummies topped a portobello mushroom cap and baked. This recipe is satisfying, perfect for a family dinner and fancy enough for a special party.

So what else can you expect from Green Bean? Well they’re dependable. They maintain a great selection of fresh, often local, and always organic fruits and veggies. The service is really affordable. Often you hear “delivery” and immediately your mind sees extra dollar signs. This really isn’t the case with Green Bean Delivery. Because they deliver to several places in your area they’re able to keep costs down so you’re getting a great value and better selection than you’d find in your local grocer.

Overall, I am pleasantly surprised at just how much I like getting my bin delivered each week and I look forward to creating fun new meals and treats for my family with the green goodness they provide. I’m thankful to have such a great service in my area.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Green Bean Delivery and the areas they service, please visit their website and check out their various locations.

Now through February 14th, get $15 off your first Green BEAN Delivery order!
Use code: 15EFFml

This coupon expires 2/14/14, so you’ll want to act fast!

Don’t see one local to you? Don’t give up! Other produce delivery services do exist so make sure you do a Google search for your area and see what else you can turn up!

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(c) The Eco-Friendly Family – Read entire story here.

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