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2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #09

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2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #09

Posted on 3 March 2024 by BaerbelW, Doug Bostrom

A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, Feb 25, 2024 thru Sat, March 2, 2024.

Story of the week

This week’s big news is close to home for Skeptical Science and comes via UNICEF: Seriously Cranky: the uncle we all have helps build the skills we all need to resist misinformation (pdf). It’s a story spanning an arc of progress beginning with fundamental research by Skeptical Science founder John Cook and ending with operational application of findings from that investigation– now in multiple arenas including and beyond Skeptical Science’s core mission of promoting accurate understanding of the science of climate change.

We’re speaking of Cranky Uncle, a game built on scientifically tested and verified methods of improving critical thinking skills, first deployed to help people avoid being mentally infected with climate bunk transmitted by a veritable zoo of grifters attached to the fossil fuel industry. The same techniques and delivery framework for boosting cognitive competency have now successfully been adopted and adapted for combating vaccination hesitancy and reluctance, by UNICEF and with the assistance of John Cook and Skeptical Science.

Conceptualization, exploration and funding for creating Cranky Uncle came thanks to and via Skeptical Science’s own internal and external contributors. Without Skeptical Science in the picture UNICEF’s successful project to help save lives wouldn’t have been possible. All who assisted may share pleasure plus at least a little pride in this outcome. Our ripples of progress travel far. It’s a great true story!

Stories we promoted this week, by publication date:

Before February 25

February 25

February 26

February 27

February 28

February 29

March 1

If you happen upon high quality climate-science and/or climate-myth busting articles from reliable sources while surfing the web, please feel free to submit them via this Google form so that we may share them widely. Thanks!

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