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2023 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #44

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2023 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #44

Posted on 4 November 2023 by John Hartz

A chronological listing of news and opinion articles posted on the Skeptical Science 9Facebook Page during the past week: Sun, Oct 29, 2023 thru Sat, Nov 4, 2023.

Story of the Week

Global heating is accelerating, warns scientist (James Hansen) who sounded climate alarm in the 80s

Study delivers dire warning although rate of increase is debated by some scientists amid a record-breaking year of heat

Global heating is accelerating faster than is currently understood and will result in a key temperature threshold being breached as soon as this decade, according to research led by James Hansen, the US scientist who first alerted the world to the greenhouse effect.

The Earth’s climate is more sensitive to human-caused changes than scientists have realized until now, meaning that a “dangerous” burst of heating will be unleashed that will push the world to be 1.5C hotter than it was, on average, in pre-industrial times within the 2020s and 2C hotter by 2050, the paper published on Thursday predicts.

the former Nasa scientist who issued a foundational warning about climate change to the US Congress back in the 1980s.

Hansen said there was a huge amount of global heating “in the pipeline” because of the continued burning of fossil fuels and Earth being “very sensitive” to the impacts of this – far more sensitive than the best estimates laid out by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

“We would be damned fools and bad scientists if we didn’t expect an acceleration of global warming,” Hansen said. “We are beginning to suffer the effect of our Faustian bargain. That is why the rate of global warming is accelerating.”

The question of whether the rate of global heating is accelerating has been keenly debated among scientists this year amid months of record-breaking temperatures. 

Click here to access the entire article as originally posted on The Guardian

Global heating is accelerating, warns scientist (James Hansen) who sounded climate alarm in the 80s Study delivers dire warning although rate of increase is debated by some scientists aStudy delivers dire warning although rate of increase is debated by some scientists amid a record-breaking year of heatmid a record-breaking year of heat by Oliver Milman, Environment, The Guardian, Nov 2, 2023

Articles posted on Facebook

Sunday, Oct 29, 2023

Monday, Oct 30, 2023

Tuesday, Oct 31, 2023

Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023

Thursday, Nov 2, 2023

Friday, Nov 3, 2023

Saturday, Nov 4, 2023

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